Container Shipment

HIGH HIGH FOREIGN TRADE initiated container loading / shipments in order to serve the customers faster and to prevent the increase of bulk vessel freightage to meet the orders of the customers in low tonnages.

HIGH HIGH FOREIGN TRADE delivers the steel / iron products by using all types and sizes of containers (20 DC, 40 DC, Open Top, High Cubes) to the port or to the address of its customers.

In addition, HIGH HIGH FOREIGN TRADE delivers the containers by using the main worldwide known lines.

Bulk Shipment

HIGH HIGH FOREIGN TRADE has been working with more than 20 major ship owners and ship agencies for the deliveries to all over the world in order to transport the orders in accordance with our customers’ needs. While loading the ships, lashing, separation and dunnaging are carried out depending on the specifications of the goods in order to prevent damage during sea transport.

While loading the containers, lashing can be applied inside of the containers with the purpose of protecting the material.